Why should teachers blog?
- A blog allows educators to collate a departmental digital log to share resources, reflect on teaching and learning experiences, showcase projects, ask for help, share information from PD, and, of course, be tech savvy!
- A blog can be an excellent online library of resources containing useful links, articles, content, activities, etc. The process of selecting good quality and ‘tested’ resources and adding them to a blog will save us all a lot of time in the future.
- If you are a blogging teacher you are a published academic.
- Blogging is a great way to receive real and thoughtful feedback from other teaching colleagues.
- Blogging is an excellent form of professional development. Blogging can contribute towards your QCT hours as you will be reading, writing and publishing content to add to your professional knowledge, professional practice and professional engagement, as per the requirements found in the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers. https://www.qct.edu.au/PDF/PSU/QCT_AustProfStandards.pdf
Happy blogging!
Well said Natasha!